Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Religion of Peace?

I keep hearing that Islam is the religion of peace and that we are to respect this religion and its "holy Quran" by not even suggesting flushing it down a toilet. The religion of peace went on a rampage when the story went out about the Quran being flushed and the story wasn't even verified or anything. What is it that sends the Islamic fanatics into turmoil and killing frenzy when their holy book, which is only a copy of the original in any case, gets a hint that someone in government (especially the US government) has chosen not to respect it, whether true or not? When was the last time anyone of the "infidels" went into a frenzy when the Bible was destroyed? How many people suffered from the riots and "righteous" anger directed at the government or the people from that country? I find no evidence of such action for a long period. In point of fact, there was a movie that had a pirate use pages from the Bible as the paper to roll his tobacco in. That movie didn't do well and has only been on local TV once that I know of, but still...

The word, "Islam" means "submission", not "peace". When people choose not to become members of the Islamic community for whatever reason, they become what is known as infidels. The Islamic controlled government then begins the process of elimination of the infidels. Take a look at the Islamic countries of today for your evidence of this. Christians aren't allowed to talk to anyone about Jesus or they face horrendous consequences. Jews face even worse consequences, they get bombed. If you do "believe", and you steal something, you can lose pieces of yourself. What I find completely mystifying in all this, where is the Peace? How is it that the Liberals can be so tolerant of the "religion of peace" and intolerant of Christianity? Just check out how the ACLU froths at the mouth when a monument with the Ten Commandments is on "public" property. I have a question about that as well, since when did Christians and Jews get excluded from being a part of the "public"? (I think the answer may have something to do with how much our faith influences our lives and activities towards others.) I wonder if some of this doesn't kind of sort of follow from the libs believing that only a few are really smart enough to know how to do things and that the rest of the people (read conservatives) need to be told what to do and how to do things? After all, the same kinds of thought happen in the "religion of peace", only the mullahs and a caliph are to be in control...

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