Sunday, June 19, 2005

More encouraging news about the economy, but the AP doesn't like it

As reported here in an AP article, consumer prices dropped in May, while activity at US factories surged. This is really encouraging news about the US economy, however, the AP and the Seattle P-I just had to insert the negative "But ..." into the article.

Why is it that the AP just has to be so negative all the time, regardless of what they are reporting on, when it comes to news about the US? It seems that in every article, especially if it is good news, the AP has to 'counter' the good news with a "But ..." statement.

The extreme anti-Americanism of the AP has become entirely too tiresome, and needs to stop. Does that mean I endorse a 'rah-rah, jingoistic' method of "news reporting"? Certainly not, as that too, is an extreme that has no place in the dissemination of information. I just wish that the AP 'reporters' would leave their leftist political biases at home, and just report the news, instead of constantly 'editorializing' every time they sit at their computers, and let us make up our own minds as to what it means.

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