Monday, April 19, 2010

Two things of note today

One is, today is the anniversary of the shot heard 'round the world, as the first shots were fired in Lexington that led to the birth of this nation.

I am so privileged to have been born in this country. I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I had been born elsewhere. Is my life easy? Not always, but in comparison to the lives of others, I'd have to say, yeah, it is. Ever since I really woke up to what it's like to be an American (thanks in part to President Ronald Reagan), I have tried my best not to take for granted what a privileged life I do have. I admit that I haven't always been successful at that, but with recent events, my determination has become stronger than ever as I see some attempting to diminish what we all have here. To honor those who stood for freedom on that day in Lexington, and later in Concorde, let us all strive to hold what we have and make it better, and prevent those that wish us to live in a diminished country from achieving that dubious goal.

The other is, today is also
the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. Timothy McVeigh perpetrated one of the worst domestic terrorist acts in US history when he exploded that bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, killing 168 people, 22 of them children (3 were unborn). In jis twisted mind, McVeigh was striking back at a corrupt government that he felt had overstepped its bounds (in the totally inept mishandling of the Waco, Texas situation with David Koresh and his Branch Davidian group)..

Today we see a government that is truly overstepping its bounds, trampling the Constitution seemingly at every turn, and ridiculing the citizens of this country for having the temerity to say "STOP!", as if they were stupid little children who don't know what they are talking about. Well, contrary to the elitists "popular beliefs", we do know what we are talking about, and you are right to fear us. But, except for the odd nutjob who doesn't care who he hurts as long as he hurts "someone", you elitists don't have to fear physical violence, ala McVeigh. Rather, you should fear for your political future, as we tell you exactly how we feel about your "hope" and "change" agenda this coming November when we vote you, and your agenda, out of office.

We have had 234 years of peaceful "regime change", as the Founding Fathers envisioned and set up, and that is how it should continue. I earnestly hope and pray that you elitists won't do anything rash to hamper that process.

Via specialrpt posting in
quicknews, and Ace

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