Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just a brief PSA

It's almost Census time again, folks, and although the Census Bureau has stated that the questionnaire is much shorter this year (10 questions), Walter E. Williams over at TownHall reminds us of what the Census is for (determining the number of people in the country, so that the proper number of seats in the House can be apportioned, as well as how Electoral votes each state gets), and what the government can legally require you to answer (your name, and how many people live where you do). Anything else they ask is none of the governments business.

I don't know about you, but the only things I'm going to fully answer (as far as the government is concerned, that is) is what my name is, and how many people live with me. For all other questions, the answer will be "NOYB" (none of your business).

If you're at all unsure of what to do, read the
article, and ponder what Mr. Williams has said.

H/T specialrpt posting at


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the H/T!


Gray Wolf said...

You're welcome! ;)