Sunday, April 22, 2007

State lawmakers discuss ending war

As reported here, [t]he (Washington State) Senate was decked in red, white and blue with Democrats and Republicans braced for an emotional debate on the Iraq war that never materialized Thursday.

After Democrats failed to build consensus for an anti-war resolution, only three lawmakers spoke out.

They did so using points of personal privilege, which the Senate allows for issues such as well wishes for sick colleagues or their families. Though the resolution would have been non-binding, it would have allowed a full debate, but without it members were allowed brief statements to air their personal views.

Sen. Eric Oemig, D-Kirkland, has led the effort to discuss the possibility of presidential impeachment this year.

"We must end this war," Oemig said. "The commander in chief must be relieved of duty. The framers of our Constitution gave us the tools of impeachment and conviction. We must not be afraid to use these tools."

He explained why in his floor statement.

Democracy is easier to enjoy than it is to participate in and protect, he said, adding that a lot of mistakes have been made in the nation's history.

"It is with action that we fix our mistakes, and when people are honestly mistaken and they learn the truth, they either cease to be mistaken or they cease to be honest," he said. "If we do not act to correct our mistakes, our children will inherit them. We cannot restore the lives lost in Iraq or the lost limbs or the lives shattered, but we can act."

I'd like to ask State Senator Oemig some questions, which are as follows:

1. Since when has it ever - ever - been appropriate for a State Senator to stick his nose into something regarding the Federal Executive?

2. You are of the opinion that President Bush should be impeached. I'd like to know on what grounds? Mistakes made regarding Iraq? Since when do mistakes made regarding anything equate to High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Senator?

3. Have you ever made a mistake as a State Senator? If so, does that mean that you should be impeached?

Vietnam War veteran and Purple Heart recipient Sen. Dan Swecker, R-Rochester, said the floor of the state Senate was not the place for discussing war and peace and the possibility of impeaching the president.

"That's not what we were elected to do," he said.

State Senator Swecker is correct. No State Senator or Representative has ever been elected to discuss war and peace or impeaching a sitting President. That's not your job, Senator Oemig. Your job is to conduct the business of, and for, the People of Washington State, period.

Leave all that other stuff to the grown ups, ok?

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